Q: How long until my order arrives?
A: Majority orders ship out within 24 hours and arrive within 3-4 business days.
** The average delivery for an international order is around 10 business days. **
Q: How do I track my order?
A: Tracking is automatically sent to your email address once the item is shipped.
Q: How much is shipping?
A: Shipping costs are based off of the weight of the order. Orders over $50 inside the US are free. International orders are free if the order is $100 or more.
Q: Do you accept returns/exchanges?
A: We do not offer returns for refunds only exchanges if the product has not been opened and returned in the original packaging. Sox Boxes are excluded from exchanges.
Q: Do you ship international?
A: Yes. Our socks are able to be shipped worldwide.
Q: Do I need an account to place a sox box order?
A: Yes. Our Sox Box subscription requires an account to be made to ensure that you get styles that you prefer.
Q: Is the Sox Box available for a discount?
A: No. The reason why is because we have marked our boxes down to the lowest available amount.
Any other questions can be answered by emailing us directly through our contact us page.
These socks are incredibly good looking and of high quality! Try it and you will never buy any other socks! -Faissal O.
Love this brand. The choices are so cool, I got my Germany and Spain socks plus some Icons. Still have the first ones I got while back. -Sam S.
Can't wear my Odd Sox without people gawking at them. So sick! -Mike B.
Best Sox Brand out there, with many styles there should be something for you. Super comfy, great designs, and not to mention......YOU STAND OUT TO BE ODD!!! - Sam M.